Race Information

Stage Race
5 stages

March 20th-24th, 2024

2.2 race

Organiser: Courage Events

Start: Medemblik

Finish: Tiel

About Safe Cycling Report

About the Report

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the safety aspects of a prominent cycling race. It aims to dissect the intricacies involved in planning and executing a race that is not only competitive but also ensures the well-being of all riders.


The primary objective is to identify potential risks, and propose actionable solutions to mitigate these dangers. By enhancing safety protocols, we aim to safeguard the health of riders, support staff, and spectators, thereby elevating the overall race experience.


Our analysis hinges on evaluating various components such as course layout, weather conditions, obstacle management, and safety plans. We assess past incidents, feedback from participants, and best practices in sports event management to form a holistic view of the race’s safety landscape.


Data collection encompasses race archives, weather reports, incident logs, and participant surveys. This rich dataset forms the foundation of our safety audit, enabling us to pinpoint vulnerabilities and recommend targeted interventions for future editions of the race.



Engaging in discussions with riders and teams to gather their insights. Our surveys have compiled initial data directly from these key stakeholders, ensuring their experiences and concerns are incorporated into our planning.


Utilizing a detailed database to analyze past crashes, identifying common locations and causes. This enables us to pinpoint high-risk areas and devise strategies to mitigate potential accidents.


Conducting weekly meetings with race organizers to receive their feedback and incorporate their knowledge into our safety measures. This continuous dialogue helps to align our safety strategies with the specific needs of each event.


Applying our vast experience gained from over 1000 days of racing to enhance road safety. Our expertise in cycling safety is instrumental in developing effective prevention and response strategies.


Gathering inputs from various stakeholders within the sport, including official bodies, local authorities, and the cycling community at large. This holistic approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of all possible safety concerns and solutions.



This document provides an in-depth analysis of the course, identifying obstacles and potential risks.


A comprehensive map detailing the placement of safety equipment, warning systems, and other preventive measures to ensure the well-being of participants and spectators.”


Focuses on reviewing the events that occurred during the race, identifying both successes and areas for improvement. This includes assessing the effectiveness of the safety measures implemented, gathering feedback from participants, teams, and officials on the course layout and safety protocols, analyzing incident reports to enhance future race safety, and recommending adjustments based on observed outcomes.

Safety Index







About Olympias Tour and Race Analysis



The Olympia’s Tour is a multi-day cycling race held in the Netherlands with a history dating back to 1909. It serves as a significant platform for young talent and has produced many renowned riders. The race comprises various stages and attracts both amateurs and professional teams.

Olympia’s Tour is the oldest cycling race in the Netherlands. In 1909, some 115 years ago, cycling association A.S.C. Olympia from Amsterdam organised the first edition. It wasn’t until 1955 that the fourth edition of the race took place.

From then on, OT grew into an established race in cycling, with big names like Henk Nijdam, Cees Priem, Fedor den Hertog, Servais Knaven, Thomas Dekker, Stef Clement, Lars Boom, Jetse Bol, Dylan van Baarle and Cees Bol winning. Most of these riders won this race in the livery of Rabobank’s training team: between 2002 and 2016, this team was the best in OT 12 times.

Previous Winner

2019: Sander De Pestel

2018: Julius Johansen

2020: Canceled

2021: Canceled

2022: Maikel Zijlaard

2023: Bregnhoj Mathias

These recent winners join an impressive list of past champions who have shaped the history of the Olympia’s Tour. With new winners and exciting races every year, the Olympia’s Tour remains a significant event on the cycling calendar, providing young talents with the opportunity to showcase their skills and establish their names alongside some of the biggest names in the sport.

Courage Events

Courage Events: Empowering Sports with Boldness and Expertise

Courage Events brings to life the essence of bravery in organizing sports events across the Netherlands. Known for managing high-profile competitions like the Dutch Lottery National Cycling Championship and the Simac Ladies Tour, they thrive on challenges of any scale. Their expertise extends beyond race organization to mastering the art of collaboration with local partners and navigating complex permit processes, ensuring every event is secure, supported, and successful.

At the core of Courage Events is a dedicated team, ready to tailor every aspect of your sports event from planning to post-event evaluation. With a robust network of specialists and an unwavering commitment to excellence, they guarantee an unforgettable experience for all. Choose Courage Events for an event that embodies strength, security, and the spirit of courage.

Stage 1 | Medemblik – Medemblik | 144,9 (20.03.2024)

About Stage 1

Stage 1 | Medemblik – Medemblik

Date: Wednesday, March 20

Start/Finish Times: 12:30 PM – 3:50 PM

Highlights: Historic Medemblik, watersport hub, scenic nature.

Route: Dual 60 KM loops plus a final 25 KM loop, showcasing Medemblik and surrounding areas.

Key Aspect: Celebrates the race’s return to Noord-Holland after ten years.

Stage 1 – Risk Evaluation

Risk Evaluation Stage 1

Stage 1 features over 80 obstacles, which might seem manageable at first glance.

However, the real challenge emerges closer to the finish, particularly in the last 3 km, where riders face a dense array of dangerous traffic islands and narrowing sections.

This concentration of hazards in the closing kilometers significantly elevates the difficulty, demanding heightened vigilance and skill from the competitors.

Last 50 km

The final 10 km of the lap are the most obstacle-dense, featuring 24 obstacles at a density of 2.4 per km.

From 30 to 20 km before the finish, the obstacle density increases to 1.8 per km, with a total of 18 obstacles.

The segment from 20 to 10 km before the end also poses a significant challenge, with 16 obstacles at a density of 1.6 per km.

The stretch from 50 to 40 km before the finish has a lower obstacle density of 1.3 per km, totaling 13 obstacles.

The least obstacle-dense section is from 40 to 30 km before the end, with just 5 obstacles, equating to a density of 0.5 per km.

Stage 1 – Last 3 km

Last 3 km, Stage 1

The final 3 km feature sharp turns and two roundabouts, with the most challenging part beginning at the 1 km mark. This section includes two narrow passages, clearly marked by Safety Signs.

The ultimate turn, right before the finish line, presents two traffic islands, posing significant risks during the sprint. For your safety, these islands will be highlighted with safety signs and equipped with crash protection.

Stage 1 – Predictions

Predictions Stage 1

There is a strong possibility that this stage will end in a sprint. Although we see that many flat stages in recent years within this stage race are still settled in a sprint of a very small group. The wind strength and the extent to which the peloton uses this to make it a hard race will determine the size of the group sprinting for victory.

The local lap is very technical and twisty and thus, as a matter of course, also makes for a long drawn-out peloton. We will also find some obstacles in the last 3 kilometres that ensure positioning will be crucial.

Stage 1 – Safety Plan

Safety Plan for Stage 1

For stage 1, we’ve decided to concentrate on the densest areas with obstacles, ensuring the last 50 km are as safe and straightforward as possible. We’re employing a variety of systems for the race, including Safety Signs, Arrows, Banners, and Crash Protection, among others, to enhance security and clarity throughout.

Stage 2 | Baflo – Baflo | 150,4 (21.03.2024)

About Stage 2

Stage 2 | Baflo – Baflo

Date: Thursday, March 21

Start/Finish Times: 12:30 PM – 3:45 PM

Highlights: Historic Baflo, the Noorderrondrit cycling route.

Significance: Aims to preserve the Noorderrondrit’s legacy and promote cycling in Groningen.

Stage 2 – Risk Evaluation

Risk Evaluation Stage 2 (Last 50 km)

Stage 2 boasts a low density of obstacles, which generally suggests a smoother ride.

The primary challenge arises in the final kilometers, characterized by partly narrow roads.

However, the most notable feature near the finish is a bridge crossing, which, while potentially demanding attention, doesn’t pose a significant danger to the competitors.

Last 50 km

From 30 to 20 km before the finish, the obstacle density peaks at 2.0 per km, with a total of 20 obstacles.

The last 40-30 km stretch sees a density of 1.8 per km with 18 obstacles.

Initially, the segment from 50 to 40 km before the end presents 17 obstacles at a density of 1.7 per km.

Nearing the finish, the density decreases, with the last 20-10 km having 11 obstacles at a density of 1.1 per km.

The final 10 km are the least obstacle-dense, featuring 9 obstacles at a density of 0.9 per km.

Stage 2 – Last 3 km

Last 3 km, Stage 2

For stage 2, the finish is straightforward. Shortly after the 3 km mark, there’s a left turn, leading onto a straight path directly to the finish line.

The route is largely hazard-free, except for a bridge close to the end. The main point of attention is the road’s partial narrowness, limiting space for a large group. However, this shouldn’t pose significant problems.

Stage 2 – Predictions

Predictions Stage 2

There is also a strong possibility of this second stage ending in a sprint. The wind strength and the extent to which the peloton uses this to make it a hard race will determine the size of the group sprinting for victory.

The last 3 kilometres are significantly straighter than the first stage and thus also lend themselves more to the setting up of possible sprint trains.

Stage 2 – Safety Plan

Safety Plan for Stage 2

For stage 2, we’re concentrating on the densest areas with obstacles.

Be alert for a hazardous bridge passage and a sharp turn soon after the race starts in Lutke Saaxum, which will be marked by a Safety Arrow and Banner.

We’re employing various systems for the race, including Safety Signs, Arrows, Banners, and Crash Protection, to enhance participant safety.

Stage 3 | Assen – Roden | 140,8 (22.03.2024)

About Stage 3

Stage 3 | Assen – Roden

Date: Friday, March 22

Start/Finish Times: 12:30 AM – 3:15 PM

Highlights: Roden’s central role, statue of Ot and Sien, community’s cycling culture.

Route: Includes a loop through Drenthe and two final 30 KM circuits in Noordenveld.

Stage 3 – Risk Evaluation

Risk Evaluation Stage 3

In the concluding segments of Stage 4, the obstacle distribution indicates a relatively low challenge level.

From 30 to 20 km before the finish, there are 11 obstacles, equating to a density of 1.1 per km.

This density slightly decreases in the next segment, with 8 obstacles at 0.8 per km from 20 to 10 km out.

In the final 10 km, the obstacle count modestly increases to 10, maintaining a density of 1.0 per km, marking a consistent challenge without significant peaks in difficulty.

Last 30 km

Stage 3 – Last 3 km

Last 3km, Stage 3

In the final 3 km of stage 3 leading into Roden, there are no significant hazards.

Some traffic islands appear in the last km, yet they are clearly indicated with Safety Signs and equipped with crash protection for safety.

Stage 3 – Predictions

Predictions Stage 3

Just before the weekend, a few altimeters occur for the first time. Although here are rather negligible on a stage of this length.

It´s more of a taster for what awaits them at the weekend. Here, too, we expect a sprint from a group although course behaviour will again determine how coarse that group is. 

Stage 3 – Safety Plan

Safety Plan for Stage 3

Our safety protocols kick in upon entering Norg and during the final laps of the race. We’re utilizing a range of systems, such as Safety Signs, Arrows, Banners, and Crash Protection, to bolster participant safety.

Stage 4 | Gieten – Ruurlo | 168,2 (23.03.2024)

About Stage 4

Stage 4 | Gieten – Ruurlo

Date: Saturday, March 23

Start/Finish Times: 11:30 AM – 4:15 PM

Highlights: From Gieten to Ruurlo, featuring Kasteel Ruurlo.

Endurance: A challenging route with potential for strategic racing on rolling hills.

Stage 4 – Last 3 km

Last 3 km, Stage 4

The last 3 km of stage 4 lead straight to Ruurlo with a straightforward finish.

The only notable hazard is a traffic island, which will be clearly marked with a safety sign and equipped with crash protection for safety.

Stage 4 – Predictions

Predictions Stage 4

In this stage, the first significant hills have to be overcome. This could obviously cause shifts in the general classification.

The course, which up to now has mainly lent itself to the riders of the flatter work, will thus become a bit heavier.

We suspect that because of the increase in difficulty and the hilly section this stage will be decisive for the final classification and that we will see small groups at the finish. 

Stage 4 – Safety Plan

Safety Plan for Stage 4

For stage 4, we initiate our safety measures 75 km before the finish in Ommen, the site of a crash in the 2023 edition.

We’re utilizing a range of systems, such as Safety Signs, Arrows, Banners, and Crash Protection, to bolster participant safety.

Stage 5 | Neede – Tiel | 188.3 (24.03.2024)

About Stage 5

Stage 5 | Neede – Tiel

Date: Sunday, March 24

Start/Finish Times: 12:00 PM – 3:35 P

Highlights: Tiel’s historical significance, cultural venues, and status as the fruit city.

Route: Includes challenging climbs and potential for wind to play a significant role.

Stage 5 – Risk Evaluation

Risk Evaluation Stage 5 (last 90 km)

Short text

Last 20 km

Short text

Stage 5 – Last 3 km

Last 3 km, Stage 5

The final 3 km of stage 5 feature a rapid finish, approaching some traffic islands near the end.These islands will be clearly indicated with safety signs and crash protection.

The stage mirrors the 2023 edition, expecting a streamlined group navigating through the last 3 km. While not overly hazardous, the presence of obstacles introduces a heightened risk.

Stage 5 – Predictions

Predictions Stage 5

The altimeters are largely in the first part of the stage and will thus be of less importance than in the Saturday stage.

Rather like the first 3 stages, we expect it to be a sprint of a group.

Of course, the battle for the general classification could still influence the stage.

Stage 5 – Safety Plan

Safety Plan for Stage 5


Feedback or inputs?


For feedback, questions or other request – feel free to contact us.

Markus Lærum

CEO of Safe Cycling

Phone: +47 94 78 79 70

Email: markus@safecyclingrace.com

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